Curing the Incurable

Curing the Incurable
Author:Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
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Don't just accept a casual, unenlightened assessment of what high-dose vitamin C can and cannot do. Read the truth for yourself... High-dose vitamin C has been able to cure or contribute to the cure of many common infectious diseases, such as hepatitis and polio. Here's documented evidence that vitamin C is the treatment of choice for many potentially fatal infectious diseases and toxins.

Several years ago the author, cardiologist Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD was asked to assist Hal Huggins, DDS, with a number of Dr.  Huggins' dental patients. Each of the patients was quite ill and obviously suffering with one or more very serious medical conditions. Prior to sedating each patient Dr. Huggins asked Dr. Levy to administer a specific protocol of vitamin C.

Dr. Levy had never performed or even heard of such a practice, but was greatly impressed as each patient left the dental office markedly improved — many were asymptomatic. As a result, his interest in vitamin  C was greatly aroused and he began a search through all the medical literature for any studies concerning this vitamin therapy and the miraculous results he had witnessed time and time again.

He quickly found the medical journals were filled with thousands of studies and articles about vitamin  C. Many of them reported similarly dramatic results with a myriad of diseases and other difficult medical conditions. Dr. Levy knew that this was information that all his colleagues needed. Consequently, he was compelled to spend the next four years researching and writing Curing the Incurable. Because this book was written especially for his medical colleagues, Dr.  Levy has taken great care to research, document, and report the vital truths about vitamin C — he cites over 1,200 scientific references.

Curing the Incurable provides the information you need to most effectively use vitamin C to:

  • Prevent, cure, reverse and/or greatly improve a massive list of health conditions.
  • Cut your mortality risk (from all causes) by as much as 50%.
  • Boost your immune system and energy levels to optimum levels.
  • Optimize blood and intracellular levels of vitamin C.
  • Dramatically increase bio-availability (up to 800% or more) without increasing your dose size.
  • Avoid gastric discomfort, the diarrhea, and increased urination that prove most of your large doses of vitamin C are headed for the sewer.
  • And much, much more.

About the Author

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD is a board-certified cardiologist and the author of Primal Panacea and Stop America's #1 Killer!; plus three other groundbreaking medical books. He is one of the world's leading vitamin C experts and frequently lectures to medical professionals all over the globe about the proper role of vitamin C and antioxidants in the treatment of a host of medical conditions and diseases.


International Council for Health Freedom

"With the current book, Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, joins Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, MD, PhD, Linus Pauling, PhD, and Frederick R. Klenner, MD, among others, on the list of vitamin C’s heroic researchers."

Review in Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine

"Dr. Levy’s book presents clear evidence that vitamin C cures disease. It contains over 1,200 scientific references, presented chapter by chapter. It does not mince words. It is disease specific. It is dose specific. It is practical. It is readable. It is excellent."

Martina Watts

"At a time when EU legislation is set to ban many vitamin and mineral supplements, a few enlightened doctors are willing to educate us about the benefits of taking them."

Owen Fonorow, in the Townsend Letter

"Levy’s book is unmatched in the medical literature. The Vitamin C Foundation credits Levy with 'doing an almost impossible feat of reading, analyzing, and clearly explaining the meaning of the massive science behind vitamin C.'"