Primal Panacea

Author: | by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD |
Pages: | 352 |
Price: | $19.00 |
Primal man benefited from a powerful cure-all that continually coursed through his blood vessels. This substance — made in the liver — protected him from an overwhelming list of health challenges that, until recently, were rare causes of death. Due to a genetic error of metabolism, the vast majority of us no longer produce this panacea, making us increasingly susceptible to cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, dementia, diabetes, and many other very costly, and often fatal maladies.
Thousands of scientific studies prove that sufficient quantities of this substance in the bloodstream still provide the same protective and curative properties experienced long ago. Dr. Levy cites over a thousand of these published reports as he relates the history and science of the "primal panacea" in an easy-to-read and entertaining way. He also relates simple and powerful ways to boost blood levels to those once enjoyed by our ancient ancestors. Primal Panacea is chock full of proof, resources, and practical how-to. It will save you money, it will greatly improve your odds for a long and healthy life — we guarantee it!
Preface - Chapter 1 Excerpt.
About the Author
Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD is a board-certified cardiologist and the author of Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins and STOP America's #1 Killer!; plus three other groundbreaking medical books. He is one of the world's leading vitamin C experts and frequently lectures to medical professionals all over the globe about the proper role of vitamin C and antioxidants in the treatment of a host of medical conditions and diseases.
"Great work! Currently we spend more on healthcare in this country than any other country in the world, yet we are getting fatter and sicker while taking more and more pharmaceutical drugs. In his latest and most welcome book, Dr. Tom Levy has accurately and rightfully chosen the powerful name "Primal Panacea." It takes an expert and driven proponent like him and others to inform the general public about effective, virtually non-toxic therapies that are usually sought only after all "standard" medical approaches have failed. We need a revolution in medicine and Dr. Thomas E. Levy is undeniably one of the most important voices helping to guide us all towards true health and longevity."